As a cannabis consumer, you may be seeking new ways to experience the psychoactive effects of THC while still being able to pass a mandatory drug test for work, school, or personal reasons. This is where HHC products come in – they claim to offer a comparable high to THC, but without being detectable in standard drug tests. While it may seem like the perfect solution, it’s important to note that HHC is a relatively new product and limited research has been conducted on its safety and effects. Therefore, it’s unclear whether or not HHC metabolites can be detected in drug tests. So the question remains – does HHC show up on a drug test? Let’s take a closer look at the available research and try to determine the answer.


The Key Takeaways

  • HHC, or hexahydrocannabinol, is a form of THC cannabinoid that has been hydrogenated.
  • HHC produces mellower effects than THC, although the effects are similar.
  • It is not possible to distinguish between cannabinoids that are derived from hemp and marijuana.
  • THC is broken down into 11 hydroxy-THC and HHC into 11 hydroxy-HHC. Some drug tests cannot tell the difference between these two metabolites because they are so similar.
  • Cannabinoids can be stored in fat cells in the body and remain there for up to four weeks after use. If you are scheduled to take a drug test, it is best to abstain from using any psychoactive cannabinoid.


What Is HHC Exactly?

HHC stands for Hexahydrocannabinol. 

Hydrogenation is a process that replaces the double carbon bonds in THC molecules with hydrogen atoms. HHC is a synthetic compound that was created by Dr. Roger Adams, an American chemist, in 1944. He used THC from marijuana plants, but it is also possible to use hemp-derived THC. This is the basis for many HHC products on the market, even though HHC can be found in small amounts in high-potency cannabis plants.

HHC is a semisynthetic cannabinoid that requires a chemical process to transform the THC molecules. This process is similar to the process used to produce margarine from vegetable oil. HHC, a cannabinoid derived from hemp, has become a popular compound because of its THC-like effects while still adhering to federal legal guidelines. 

Some people also use HHC instead of THC because they believe it won’t cause a positive drug test result, although this may not be the case.


What Is the Difference Between HHC and THC?

The cannabis Sativa plant contains both HHC and THC, which are cannabinoids with many similarities but also some differences.

  • Delta 9 THC is more abundant in Cannabis Sativa plants, up to 30% in high-potency marijuana varieties, and 0.3% in hemp plants. Also, HHC is only found in small amounts.
  • HHC is THC minus the double carbon bond. It has been replaced by hydrogen.
  • HHC has a longer shelf-life than these compounds due to the hydrogenation process. THC degrades naturally into CBN (cannabinol), but HHC is almost apocalypse proof, thanks to its stable hydrogen bonds.
  • Hexahydrocannabinol is approximately 20% less potent than Delta 9 THC, yet slightly more potent than Delta 8 THC.
  • HHC is not as well-researched as THC. As a result, the majority of information on its effects and safety has been gathered through anecdotal reports.
  • HHC is less common on the market because it is not well-known and requires more effort to manufacture in larger quantities.

THC and HHC have very similar chemical structures, but there are slight differences in the chemical structure of HHC that affect the affinity of the receptors for the endocannabinoid and pain receptors.

Many people use HHC to achieve similar effects to THC but with less anxiety, paranoia, and drowsiness. Moreover, HHC is more readily available to those who live in states that do not allow recreational marijuana. HHC is derived from THC molecules in hemp, which makes it legal at the federal level.


How Do Drug Tests Work?

Many jobs, insurance claims after car crashes, and sports leagues require drug tests. But how do drug tests work exactly?

Most drug tests are conducted using urine samples to detect drugs such as marijuana, amphetamines, and opiates. Some tests can also detect psychedelics and prescription medication.

The urine drug test is popular because it is relatively easy to perform and provides accurate results. There are other methods of detecting drugs in the body, such as hair and blood tests, but they are less common.

The presence of metabolites in urine can reveal recent drug use, as certain metabolites can remain in the body for days or weeks after drug use. Also, the urine drug test has a high accuracy rate and is widely used due to its simplicity. However, false positives or false negatives can occur due to contamination or improper sample collection.


What Are THC Metabolites?

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the chemical compound responsible for most of marijuana’s psychological effects. In the body, it is broken down by liver enzymes. The metabolites produced are stored in fat and excreted through urine. THC-COOH is one of the most commonly detected metabolites in drug tests. 

Other metabolites may also be detectable, depending on the sensitivity of the test. THC can be detectable in urine for up to 30 days after usage, but frequent users may have traces in their system even months later. 

If you are worried about a drug test, you should avoid marijuana, including hemp with Delta 8 THC.


How Does HHC Metabolize?

HHC products are popular due to marketing claims that they produce similar effects to high-THC marijuana but cannot be detected by most drug tests. Many people are interested in “safer” options, even if they use isomers of THC that are federally legal, such as Delta 8 or Delta 10 derived from hemp.

Understanding how HHC is metabolized will help determine whether HHC or other cannabinoids will be detected in a 12-panel conventional drug test. HHC is not well studied scientifically, but as a THC analog, the liver breaks it down similarly to THC. THC-COOH, or 11-hydroxyTHC, is the main metabolite produced by the liver following THC consumption.

In one study, liver microsomes of small rodents metabolized HHC similarly to THC, but HHC produced 11-hydroxy HHC instead of 11-hydroxy THC. The molecular structures of HHC and THC can be so similar that many drug tests may not detect the difference, leading to a failed test.


How Long Does HHC Stay In Your System?

The length of time THC or HHC remains in your body depends on a number of factors, including:

  • Frequency of use
  • Amount consumed
  • Personal sensitivity
  • Metabolism

There is not much solid research on the duration of the HHC molecule in the human body. However, if you use Delta 9 THC, it can be detected for several months in the urine and blood of regular users.

HHC is also stored in fat tissue and can remain in the body for up to 4-6 weeks. It is best to abstain from HHC or any other THC analogues for 3 weeks before undergoing a drug test.


HHC and Drug Tests: Passing Your Drug Test

The majority of information we have about HHC and drug tests comes from animal studies and anecdotal reports on forums such as Reddit. Some people claim that HHC does not show up on a drug screen, while others test positive for THC from HHC vapes of gummies.

Abstaining from HHC or other THC analogues for at least three weeks prior to your test is the only way to ensure that you pass a standard drug test. You should allow yourself extra time if you have been consuming high amounts of cannabinoids, as they can accumulate in your body fat.


Can Cannabis Detox Kits Really Work?

You may come across natural methods such as drinking cranberry juice or eating lots of fiber, or you may find a commercial kit that claims to remove THC from your system. Do these kits actually work?

There is no simple answer to this question. Some evidence suggests that detox kits may help to remove THC from your system, but there is a great deal of skepticism about these products. It’s understandable that you are hesitant to spend money on detox kits without knowing if they actually work.

According to some experts, these kits can actually cause more harm than good. They can dehydrate you and disturb your electrolyte balance. While they may work well for some, the risks are not worth it.

You’ll do fine if you stick to home remedies, or if you abstain from consuming THC for a couple of weeks before the test.


Can HHC Cause You to Fail a Drug Test?

HHC is an analogue of THC with a similar chemical structure that produces effects that are nearly identical in humans. It is a form of THC that has been hydrogenated to make it shelf-stable and produce a more intense psychoactive experience.

Some research suggests that HHC can produce a slightly distinct metabolite when tested in urine samples from animals. The majority of urine tests detect 11-hydroxy-THC, while HHC can be detected by 11-hydroxy-HHC.

Although some people have successfully used HHC to pass drug tests, we advise against using it to replace THC because drug tests can often be inaccurate, and there is no guarantee that it will result in a passing test.



What Is the Difference Between HHC and THC?

HHC and THC have very similar chemical structures. They have different affinities for the receptors of the endocannabinoid and pain receptors. HHC is used by many to get similar effects to THC, but it has a lower potency and is less likely to cause feelings of paranoia, anxiety, or drowsiness. Also, HHC is more readily available to those who live in states that do not allow recreational marijuana. HHC is derived from THC molecules in hemp, which makes it legal at the federal level.

How Long Do HHC Molecules Stay in the Body?

There isn’t much solid research on how long the HHC molecule stays in your system. However, if we look at Delta 9 THC as a comparison, it can be found in the urine and blood of frequent users for up to a few months. HHC is also stored in fat tissue and can stay in your system for up to 4-6 weeks. Cannabinoids can remain in the body for a variety of reasons, including frequency of use, metabolism, and the amount consumed.

Can HHC Be Used to Pass a Drug Test?

Some people have reported success using HHC to pass drug tests, but drug tests can be inaccurate, and we advise against using HHC to replace THC because it may increase your risk of failing. The only way to ensure you pass a standard drug test is to abstain from HHC or other THC analogues for at least three weeks prior to the test. You should allow yourself extra time if you have been consuming a large amount of this cannabinoid, as cannabinoids accumulate in the body’s fat.

Can Cannabis Kits Be Used?

Detox kits have been shown to help remove THC from your system, but there is a lot of doubt surrounding these products. It’s understandable that you are hesitant to spend money on detox kits without knowing if they actually work. You’ll be fine if you stick to home remedies or abstain from alcohol for a couple of weeks before the test.


Final Thoughts: Does HHC Show Up on a Drug Test?

We don’t yet know if standard 12-panel drug testing ‘catches’ HHC’s metabolites. But one thing is for certain: this cannabinoid’s chemical structure is very similar to THC. The metabolites of this compound are similar but with some minor differences. It is possible that this may be a factor in the positive results users receive when testing. 

However, these are anecdotal. This question has not been officially researched, so you should test yourself and decide for yourself. 

If you’re interested in trying HHC products, consider Uplift CBD and see how they can help improve your wellness. Many Uplift CBD products are third-party tested for quality and purity to ensure your peace of mind. Try one now!


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