Indica vs Sativa vs Hybrid – which is the best? Newcomers to medical marijuana may find its abundance daunting. Cannabis can generally be divided into three species: Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis; when visiting a dispensary you’re likely to come across strains classified as either sativa or indica.

As part of your search for the ideal strain, it’s important to know how hybrid, Sativa and Indica differ. Familiarizing yourself with how cannabinoid content and terpenes can affect various strains is also invaluable knowledge.

Now, let’s delve deeper into the various forms of cannabis.


Indica vs Sativa vs Hybrid: An Overview

Sativa and Indica are the two primary types of cannabis. Hybrid strains of cannabis can also be created through crossbreeding sativa and indica varieties, providing users with options for treating various medical and recreational conditions.

Indica strains tend to provide a relaxing, full-body effect, while sativas are famed for their stimulating “head high.” Hybrid strains tend to fall somewhere in between depending on which strains were bred together for breeding purposes; their general characteristics may not always hold as different strains can vary significantly in terms of cannabinoid, flavonoid, and terpene content.

Recently, the cannabis industry has begun shifting away from using terms such as Sativa and Indica to describe cannabis types. Instead, they now classify options according to THC levels – such as THC-high or THC/CBD high – or CBD levels; which more accurately reflect what compounds may be present.


What Is Indica?

Cannabis Indica is indigenous to Pakistan, India, and Turkey, thriving in the challenging climates of the Hindu Kush Mountains. Indica plants are characterized by their short, stocky leaves that are wide and broad. In comparison to sativas, indicas tend to have faster growth rates and produce a greater quantity of buds.

Individuals who seek intense relaxation are often drawn to indica strains. Medical patients utilize indica for various reasons, such as stimulating appetite, alleviating pain, and reducing nausea. Due to its profound relaxing effects, indica is commonly favored as an ideal strain for nighttime use.

Indica strains are often considered more effective in addressing pain and inflammation. Patients dealing with conditions like cancer, arthritis, and fibromyalgia may find indica strains preferable. However, it’s essential to note that personal experiences may vary.


What Is Sativa?

Cannabis sativa is native to Eastern Asia, with an additional presence in Southeast Asia and Western Asia. It thrives in hot, dry climates that offer ample sunlight.

Sativa plants are characterized by their slender, elongated leaves that resemble fingers. They take longer to reach maturity compared to Cannabis indica and can grow to heights exceeding 12 feet.

The effects of sativa strains are often described as a “head-high” or “mind-high,” inducing a calming and energizing sensation. Users of Sativa strains commonly report feeling more creative and productive rather than relaxed and lethargic.

Due to its stimulating nature, sativa is often preferred for daytime use. Many individuals believe that sativa strains can be beneficial for psychological disorders such as anxiety, PTSD, and depression. It’s important to note that personal experiences may differ.


What Is Hybrid Cannabis?

Cannabis growers continually develop new strains of cannabis each year by combining different parent plants to achieve specific desired effects. Hybrid cannabis, in particular, is often cultivated in greenhouses or on farms. The appearance of hybrid plants can vary significantly based on the specific parent plants used in their creation.

Farmers and producers select hybrids for their distinct and targeted effects, which can vary greatly depending on the combination of parent strains. Hybrids are an excellent choice for both newcomers to medical marijuana and experienced users. They serve as a great introduction to medical marijuana for beginners, while seasoned patients appreciate their balanced effects suitable for daytime or evening use.

Among the most popular hybrid strains available today is Kush, with OG Kush being a legendary example. Originating in Southern California during the mid-1990s, OG Kush is known for its dominant Indica characteristics. Other widely sought-after hybrids include Cookies, Blue Dream, and GG4.


What Other Factors Are Important When Considering Cannabis Effects?

When selecting the ideal strain for your needs, understanding the distinctions between sativa and indica can be beneficial. However, it’s important to recognize that various factors can influence the effects of each strain. For instance, even two different sativas can yield significantly different outcomes due to variations in their chemical composition and cultivation techniques.


Cannabis plants naturally contain chemical compounds called cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are chemical compounds that produce many of the effects associated with cannabis.

Researchers still have a lot to learn about the cannabinoids found in cannabis. THC and CBD are the two main cannabinoids.

THC is the main cannabinoid responsible for the psychoactive properties of cannabis. It is responsible for the euphoria associated with marijuana. THC levels have increased over the years as growers strive to create strains that contain higher concentrations.

CBD does not produce a high but is believed to have a variety of physical benefits. It is becoming increasingly popular with patients who want to benefit from cannabis without its mind-altering effects.

CBN, THCA, and CBG are also cannabinoids. Researchers will continue to explore the cannabis world in the years to come and learn more about these cannabinoids and many others. There is research to suggest that many other cannabinoids may also have therapeutic effects.


Terpenes can be overshadowed when examining individual strains of marijuana. More recent research found that terpenes may be as powerful as cannabinoids in the effects of marijuana.

Terpenes are found naturally in cannabis and affect the plant’s smell directly. The terpene composition of the cannabis plant is thought to also influence the effects of certain strains.

Terpenes are found in many different types.

  • Limonene: Adds bright citrus notes and is said to improve mood and reduce stress.
  • Linalool: Said to have a floral note and improve mood.
  • Bisabolol: Adds tea tree oil and chamomile to the mix and is claimed to reduce irritation and inflammation.
  • Terpinolene: Adds notes of apple, cumin, and conifer and may have antibacterial and antifungal properties.
  • Ocimene: Adds notes of mango, parsley, and basil and is believed to help ease congestion and ward off bacteria and viruses.
  • Caryophyllene: Adds a spicy, peppery note and may help reduce anxiety and depressive disorders.
  • Myrcene: Adds earthy notes that may help with insomnia and anxiety.
  • Pinene: This pine-like aroma may help to reduce pain, boost memory, and reduce the negative effects of THC.
  • Humulene: Adds earthy and woody notes and may reduce inflammation.
  • Eucalyptol: Tea tree oil with eucalyptus and other notes. May help reduce inflammation and fight bacteria.

Terpenes are responsible for the distinct smells and flavors of cannabis strains. It is also believed that they have therapeutic benefits. It is worth considering the terpenes when choosing a marijuana variety.


How Do You Pick the Right Strain for You?

Cannabis has different effects for different people. Some strains recommended by medical experts may not work for you while on the other hand, you might discover an unexpectedly beneficial strain that was not intended to meet your needs initially.

When choosing the type of strain to use (Indica vs Sativa vs Hybrid), there are a few key considerations you must keep in mind:

Establish Your Goals: With so many strains available and all their possible outcomes to consider, starting by identifying what it is you hope to accomplish or how you want to feel can be daunting. Start by setting goals or creating desired effects and work backward from there.

Seeking Guidance from the Employees at Your Local Dispensary: Discuss your goals with them, as they can provide valuable assistance and point you in the right direction.

Consider Your Tolerance: Pineapple Express, for example, is often recommended as a beginner-friendly strain, offering mild yet tolerable effects. If you are new to cannabis, start slowly by selecting fewer potency strains; some strains might be too strong.

Do Not Overlook Your Medical History: Be wary of interactions with medications or health conditions you already have; if in doubt about the risks and benefits associated with cannabis, seek medical advice from professionals before deciding on cannabis.

Consider Your Desired Method of Consumption: Some users and patients choose vaping or using tinctures; edibles tend to provide stronger and longer-acting effects but may be harder for some individuals to tolerate; vaping usually provides faster effects but could potentially irritate airways and lungs more than edibles do.

By considering these factors when making your choice of cannabis strain, you can make an informed choice that meets both your needs and preferences.


Final Thoughts – Indica vs Sativa vs Hybrid

The decision between Indica, Sativa, or Hybrid strains ultimately boils down to individual preference and the specific effects one is seeking. Indica strains are typically associated with relaxation and sedation, making them ideal for evening or night-time use. Sativa strains, on the other hand, are known to provide an energetic and uplifting effect, generally preferred for daytime use. Hybrid strains are a balanced blend of both Indica and Sativa characteristics, offering a unique combination of effects that can cater to a broad range of needs. It’s crucial to remember that everyone’s body chemistry and tolerance levels are different, so it may take a bit of trial and error to find the strain that works best for you.

Looking for the perfect CBD product to suit your needs? Allow Uplift CBD to guide your journey. We offer a diverse range of CBD products, from oils and tinctures to edibles and topical products. Whether you’re a fan of Indica, Sativa, or Hybrids, Uplift CBD provides high-quality, lab-tested CBD products to suit your lifestyle and preferences. 

Start your journey with us today, and uplift your wellness to new heights.



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