Delta-8 THC (or Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol) is a naturally occurring chemical compound called a cannabinoid that’s found in small traces in hemp and cannabis (marijuana) plants. You can find it in everything from convenience stores to boutique dispensaries and even online.

What Is The Difference Between Regular Marijuana (Delta-9THC) And This?

Why is Delta-8 so popular? For starters, its chemical structure is similar to that of its well-known cousin, Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta-9-THC), the main psychoactive compound found in marijuana. This is what makes you “high”.

Both Delta ∆ as well as Delta-9 are both forms of THC. When people refer to THC they often mean the Delta-9, which is found in marijuana. Both can produce a fuzzy, euphoric feeling. However, it produces a milder effect.

Delta ∆ is sometimes referred to simply as “marijuana-lite”, or “diet marijuana.” However, other THC side effects such as paranoia and anxiety are less common.

Is Delta-8 Legal?

Delta-8’s popularity is due to the fact that it is legal in most states, unlike THC which is heavily regulated. It is derived mostly from hemp-derived CBD, which can be grown across the U.S.

Delta-8 is in a legal grey area. The so-called federal farm bill, the Agriculture and Nutrition Improvement Act of 2018, which exempted hemp and its byproducts from the list of prohibited substances, makes it legal. Low THC levels in hemp (less than 0.3%) are the reason. The bill does not mention Delta ∆. Hemp advocates and other sellers have taken advantage of this loophole to legally sell these products, often without age restrictions. It is now the fastest-growing product in the hemp industry.

Will You Test Positive For THC?

It depends. This is a type of THC. Delta-8 can be detected in drug tests as a positive for THC. It doesn’t matter if it’s Delta-8, or Delta-9. People react to cannabinoids differently depending on the type of product they use and how they are used.

Commercial urine drug testing doesn’t distinguish between different cannabinoids at the moment. Delta ∆ products should be avoided if there is a drug test. 

This is a newly discovered cannabinoid. It has neuro protective properties, which may reduce anxiety, pain, nausea, and other symptoms. It has psychotropic effects that are similar to delta-9, which is the primary form THC found in cannabis. However, it is more potent.

Does Delta-8 THC Get You High?

It depends on how much you take, and what your tolerance level is to delta-9 THC.

People who have used delta-9 claim that they prefer 8 due to its clear high and absence of side effects. You will get a more pleasant buzz than other hemp alternatives. It bears a striking resemblance with THC in its smells, appearances, and flower.

Important to note that inhaling it has a different effect than consuming it. One user reported that the flower gave her body sensations similar to a post-workout afterglow.

It takes between two and three hours for delta-8 edibles such as gummies, cookies, or other treats to kick in. It is best to not eat another gummy until you have figured out your tolerance. It can be felt throughout your body. It is not only in your head.

Delta-8 THC has half the potency of delta-9 THC. You can expect the same high if you take twice as much delta-8 THC as delta-9 THC. You will experience the same high for new users and those who are not used to regular THC. For most users, there will be a mental shift. People report feeling happy, chatty and light. If you would like to try Delta 8 for your self check out our website and view all of our products here!


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