As hemp continues to evolve, with the introduction of CBN, CBG, and Delta 8 THC, there has been growing interest in HHC vs THC (or hexahydrocannabinol) as an alternative to traditional THC. While Delta 8 THC is known for its mild psychoactive effects, HHC offers similar uplifting effects to THC, but with a different chemical structure that some prefer. 

In this article, we will explore the differences between HHC and traditional THC, as well as any safety concerns to be aware of.


The Key Takeaways

  • THC and HHC are both psychoactive cannabinoids commonly found in cannabis plants. HHC is an analog that is similar in structure to Delta 9 THC, which is the main psychoactive compound in cannabis. While THC and HHC are molecularly similar, there is one key difference in their structure: the carbon double bonds in THC are replaced by hydrogen in HHC.
  • While THC, especially Delta 9, is found in high levels in cannabis flowers, HHC is only present in trace amounts. As a result, the majority of HHC products available on the market today are created by chemically transforming THC in a laboratory.
  • Both HHC and THC can be legal if derived from hemp plants with less than 0.3% THC per dried weight, in accordance with federal law. However, some states may ban all THC analogs.
  • To ensure the potency and quality of a product, always refer to third-party lab testing before making a purchase.


What Are Cannabinoids?

Cannabinoids are a group of compounds found naturally in cannabis plants (hemp or marijuana). The body’s endocannabinoid system interacts with these compounds, which are responsible for a variety of physiological processes like pain perception, appetite, and mood. When cannabinoids attach to endocannabinoid receptors, they can activate or inhibit these processes.

One of the most well-known cannabinoids is Delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis. There are other cannabinoids found in cannabis as well, including cannabidiol, cannabinol, and cannabigerol. While they interact with the endocannabinoid system, they do not produce psychoactive effects.

Research has shown that cannabinoids have therapeutic effects on pain and anxiety.


What Is HHC?

HHC stands for hexahydrocannabinol. This cannabinoid was first synthesized by the organic chemist Roger Adams in 1947 by adding hydrogen to THC. Adams’ experiment of adding hydrogen atoms and compounds to other compounds isn’t new – it’s the same process used to make vegetable oil margarine, known as hydrogenation, which increases shelf-life stability.

There is some debate over whether HHC can be found naturally in cannabis plants. Some researchers suggest that HHC may be present in trace amounts, while others argue that it is semi-synthetic, created through the chemical transformation of a naturally-derived cannabis cannabinoid.

Although HHC has been known for some time as a chemical structure, it is only recently that it has been used as a recreational marijuana product to replace a traditional marijuana high. HHC is psychoactive and some claim it is 50-80% stronger than regular Delta 9 THC, producing a more mellow and clear-headed high. It is most commonly found in vaping products, which can be smoked for fast-acting effects or as HHC-infused gummies.


What Is Delta 9 THC?

Delta 9 THC, the main psychoactive component of marijuana, is responsible for the well-known effects that marijuana has on the body and mind. Some marijuana strains can contain up to 30% THC, making them very potent. Delta 9 can also be found in hemp plants, but only in amounts up to 0.3%, which is not enough to produce noticeable effects. Hemp-derived CBD products containing full spectrum extracts are not thought to have psychoactive properties.

To produce its effects, THC interacts with CB1 receptors in the brain, which are responsible for memory, thinking, and motor control, and are primarily found in the cortex, hippocampus, and basal ganglia. CB2 receptors are mainly found in the immune system, and THC can also bind to these receptors, which is thought to confer cannabis’ anti-inflammatory properties.

When you smoke a joint or eat a brownie made from marijuana, the THC is responsible for making you feel happy, relaxed, and sometimes paranoid.


What Is Delta 8 THC?

Delta 8 can be found in small amounts in marijuana plants, whether hemp or cannabis. It is an isomer of Delta 9, which means it has the same molecular formula but a slightly different arrangement of atoms. Delta 8 has the carbon double bonds on the eighth chain, while Delta 9 has them on the ninth. Although there are other THC isomers available, Delta 8 and Delta 9 are the most popular.

Because of its unique structure, Delta 8 has a slightly different effect on the endocannabinoid system. It is well-known to have psychoactive effects but is only about half as potent as THC. Delta-8 is a popular choice for those who want to relax and feel clearheaded, and it is less likely to cause anxiety and paranoia than regular THC.

Most cannabinoid research focuses on cannabidiol and Delta 9. However, early studies have shown that Delta 8 may be able to reduce stress and nausea.


What Are the Benefits and Effects of THC?

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the main psychoactive compound in cannabis. It is what makes you feel “high” and gives you the “munchies.” THC is a cannabinoid that binds to receptors in your body, causing a variety of effects. These effects include altered perceptions, such as seeing brighter colors, changes in mood, appetite, and pain relief.

However, overstimulation of CB1 receptors may also result in paranoia, anxiety, and dry mouth. The overall effects of THC can vary among different individuals, as with all cannabinoids. While THC can make some people feel happy and relaxed, others may feel anxious.

THC from marijuana plants remains on the federally controlled substances list, which means that consuming it is illegal. Some states, like Washington, New York, and California, have legalized recreational marijuana.


What Are the Benefits and Effects of HHC?

Because there is not much research on HHC, most of the information we have about its effects and potential benefits comes from anecdotal reports. According to many of these reports, the HHC produced at high levels is more potent than Delta 8 THC but less powerful than Delta 9.

Each of these substances has psychoactive effects that cause changes in perception and either euphoria or relaxation, depending on the dose. Most people report experiencing a body high from HHC, which is more prominent than with Delta 9. It is claimed that HHC can be used to treat chronic pain, as well as for creativity and mood enhancement.


Is HHC Safe?

The biggest problem in the hemp derivatives space is the fact that you cannot always trust the product you receive. Unlike legal marijuana products in some states, there is no testing for HHC or other cannabinoids. Clinical studies on HHC consumption in humans are lacking.

Although there is no evidence supporting the use of HHC, many people use HHC and Delta 8 products to manage anxiety, pain, sleep, and recreational purposes. HHC products should be inspected at every stage of production due to the risk of harmful byproducts, similar to Delta 8, resulting from the conversion of THC to HHC.

It is crucial to purchase hemp products that have a thorough Certificate of Analysis from a third-party lab. This will show you the active ingredients and exclude toxic byproducts.

Side effects of high doses of HHC are similar to THC, but individuals might experience different experiences. HHC could cause side effects such as:

  • Appetite increases
  • Dry mouth
  • Slower reaction times
  • Red eyes
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Anxiety
  • Paranoia
  • Insomnia


Is HHC Legal?

The 2018 amendment to the United States Farm Bill allowed for the cultivation of hemp and its derivatives at a federal level as long as they contained less than 0.3% THC per dry weight. This legal requirement applies to HHC products, such as HHC gummies or HHC vape cartridges.

However, states may ban HHC. Before purchasing any HHC or Delta 8 products, make sure you are aware of the laws in your area.


Are HHC Products Detected in Drug Tests?

People may choose HHC over Delta 8 THC or marijuana because it is believed to not be detected in urine drug tests. However, this has not been proven, so it’s best to be cautious.

You should not use HHC or any other intoxicating cannabinoid if you have an upcoming drug screening. Although there has been no direct testing, it is likely that HHC would cause a positive drug test result.

Because the HHC molecule is very similar to THC, it is metabolized in the liver into similar compounds, which can be mistaken for THC-COOH. This can occur regardless of whether it’s a marijuana-derived or hemp-derived cannabinoid. THC-COOH is a metabolite that can be used to detect THC in blood and urine samples.

To be safe, it is recommended to abstain from vaping or consuming HHC gummies for at least two weeks before a drug test. Additionally, HHC can be eliminated much quicker than CBD or THC, but some people may metabolize these compounds at a slower rate.


Which Is Stronger: HHC vs THC

The potency of HHC is estimated to be between that of Delta 8 THC and Delta 9 THC. It is believed to be approximately 80% more potent than the high from Delta 9, while Delta 8 is only about half as potent. However, how an individual experiences these intoxicating cannabinoids can vary.


HHC vs THC: Which Should I Choose?

Choosing between HHC or THC can be challenging due to the wide variety of hemp-derived products available. To help you make a decision, we will highlight some key differences between them.

HHC is believed to produce a mind-stimulating and energizing high, making it suitable for creative work and social settings. On the other hand, Delta 8 THC is well-known for its relaxing and sedative properties, making it a better choice for unwinding at night.

Both HHC and Delta 8 THC, which are derivatives of marijuana, are claimed to be less potent than Delta 9 THC but still produce milder effects. This makes them ideal for those who have had negative experiences with marijuana and are prone to anxiety.

These compounds have a binding affinity with CB1 receptors in the brain, which can impair judgment and motor control. It’s important not to operate machinery under the influence of HHC or Delta 8 THC.

Ultimately, the choice between HHC and THC is a matter of personal preference. You can try both to see which one works best for you.


How to Shop for HHC Products

Shopping for HHC products can be overwhelming, particularly if it’s your first time. Here are some tips to help you navigate the world of HHC shopping:

  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Your local dispensary’s budtenders will be happy to help you choose the best product for your needs.
  • While online shopping can be a great way to purchase products, it’s important to do your research. To verify the safety and potency of cannabis products, always refer to third-party lab reports.
  • Hemp-derived cannabinoids are not subject to the same strict regulations as legal marijuana products, and testing is not mandatory. However, reputable brands will offer lab testing and make the results easily accessible on their website.
  • HHC products are still relatively new to the market, so they may not be as readily accessible as other products.

By following these tips and being mindful of the potential risks involved, you can make informed decisions when shopping for HHC products. Shop with Uplift CBD today!


How to Shop for Legal Delta 8 THC Products

Legal THC products can be found in many places, depending on where you live. If you are in a state where THC has been fully legalized, you can buy products at a licensed dispensary.

If you are in a state where only hemp-derived THC is legal, it may be necessary to search for a reliable source. Online retailers offer many legal THC products, but it’s important to do your research before making a purchase. Not all online retailers are reliable.

To ensure that Delta 8 THC products are free of contaminants, you can look for third-party lab testing results.

By being mindful of the legal status of THC products in your state and doing your research when shopping, you can make informed decisions about purchasing lawful THC products. Shop with Uplift CBD today!


The Takeaway: Understanding the Differences Between HHC and THC

Both HHC and THC can be used to create psychoactive effects. HHC is a THC derivative, and while some argue that it can be found in cannabis plants naturally, most HHC products available on the market today are manufactured by hydrogenating hemp-derived THC molecules. This process makes the extract more stable and alters the body’s response to THC.

HHC has been known to produce a more enjoyable high with a lower risk of causing anxiety or paranoia. It is also considered more conducive to creative work and social situations. Delta 8 THC, another cannabis cannabinoid, has become a popular alternative to regular marijuana use due to being half the strength of regular Delta 9 THC. HHC is somewhere in between the effects produced by Delta 8 and Delta 9 THC; it can be more stimulating but is more likely to produce a calming and sleep-inducing effect.

It’s important to note that individuals can experience different effects from cannabinoids.

By being mindful of the potential effects and doing research when shopping for HHC products, one can make informed decisions when choosing the products that are right for them.


Ready to Try High-Quality HHC and THC?

Are you ready to experience the benefits of high-quality HHC and THC? Uplift CBD offers an extensive selection of premium-quality products made with natural, hemp-derived ingredients. Whether you’re looking for a more enjoyable high, a calmer and sleepier effect, or a stimulating experience, we have something for you. 

Visit our website today to browse our selection of HHC and THC products and take your experience to the next level!




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